
| | | | Hello there everybody, I hope you had a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving!  Hard to believe tomorrow is DECEMBER 1st!!  Big congratulations to Dick Bissell, PGK as the DecemberKnight of the Month and to Steve and Kathleen Adamczyk as the Family of the Month.  Thank you for all you do!   
Attached, please find the DECEMBER SHARE flyer.   The Annual K of C 2809 Christmas Open House is this Sunday, December 5th starting at 1:00 pm.  See the flyer.   The clubhouse will prepare roasted turkey with rolls, we ask that you please bring something to share.  It’s really a fun day to see old friends and make new ones!  thank you to the Bohorfoush Family and Krista Odom for donating the turkeys!    Breakfast with Santa is Sunday, December 12th.  Please see the attachment.   St. Joseph’s in Beltsville is sponsoring a Women’s Day of Reflection on Saturday, Dec 4th.  See the flyer for details.   The Friday night dinner special is the very popular Chicken Pot Pie with a surprise dessert for $15.  Please pre-order here:  https://tinyurl.com/2p9haxr4 The Clubhouse is starting to look a lot like Christmas, we hope you have time to stop by and say hi!  Taco Tuesday is the 14th, mark your calendar!  lol.   Take care and we hope to see you Sunday!  Bring your friends.  
KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |