Happenings 1121

Hello there everybody!  I hope you had a Happy Halloween and you got a chance to grab the Reese’s from the kids bag!  lol A few things happening at Council 2809, so go grab that hot chocolate and sit back!   First, big CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS to Doug Amann, PGK who won over $1000 in the members pool!  Way to go Doug!   At the Clubhouse there are two books, 1 for member to sign and place a dollar in the slot, the 2nd book is for members and guests to sign, and same thing, place a dollar in the slot.  Once a week, a name is drawn and if your name is pulled you get the cash!   The guest pool has a winner weekly, where as the members pool continues to accumulate moola until a members name is pulled the same week that he signed,  FUN!  stop by this week!  While we’re in the congratulating mood, big cOnGrAtS to John Foley as our November Knight of the Month and to Bill and Mary Robey as the Family of the Month.  Thank you for all you do!   The Food Donation Box has been placed in the Clubhouse, please help out the St. Joseph Pantry, it is really appreciated!   At this time Council 2809 has sold over 2,000 tickets for the Cash Incentive Raffle (formally called the MD State Car Raffle)  Instead of a car, the first prize is $20,000.00.  Yes, you read that right!   2nd place receives $3,000 and 3rd place receives $1,000.  Tickets are only $1 and are available at the Clubhouse.  For every ticket sold the Council will receive 60 cents!   The drawing is March 22nd   Have questions?  Please contact the co-chairs, Frank and Denise Lattanzi.   The Clubhouse will be closed Sunday, November 7th. Taco Tuesday, November 9th.Chili-cook off Sunday, November 21st.      Mark your calendars for our last of the year Red Cross Blood Drive – Monday, November 8th.   The Tootsie Roll Program will be rolling (see what I did there) to the University of Maryland games on November 6th and November 20th.  We will meet at the Clubhouse and drive to the stadium together.  Please contact the director of the program, Joe Odum at 410-579-4774. The Annual Memorial Mass is set for November 22nd at 7:00 pm. Holy Redeemers Harvest Bazaar is November 12th and the 13th.  Please stop by!   This Friday nights dinner special is Pat Macy’s famous Shrimp – n – Grits.  Please pre-order here:  https://tinyurl.com/7ttededh or use the scan code:  Before I go please keep Mike Moore and his family in your prayers.  Mike passed away unexpectedly over the weekend.  Mike played shuffleboard on the Thursday Night League and was a regular at Friday night dinners with his extended family  You also may know Mike from past bowling leagues.  We will miss his kindness and sense of humor. Stay safe everyone, 
KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com