Happenings 11.23.22

| | | | Hello there everybody!  I hope all is well with you and that you don’t have to cook tomorrow!  hahahaha Knights of Columbus 2809 has a few happenings coming up, go pour your cup of coffee and read on!   Our Lady of Sorrows softball team is the guest bartender Friday and the Friday night food special is Sirloin Beef tips over rice with a side salad and surprise dessert for $15,  please pre-order here:  https://tinyurl.com/33k8r3k2   QR Code                                   Scan this QR Code to preview your survey on your own device. Bar Bingo continues on Saturday evenings at 7:30 pm.  It’s a fun game, especially with the family!  Get ’em out of the house and come on up, starts at 7:30 pm.
How ’bout those Commanders – YAY!  PLUS the Chili Cook Off on Sunday –  it’s a win win (we hope) kinda day!!  The Commanders play the Falcons at 1:00 pm, Chili Cook off will happen at half time.  Think your chili is pretty good?  Please bring it to the contest!  You may win a little cash for your pocket, a stunning (lol) trophy, and bragging rights for a year!!  There will be (3) categories:  Best Spiciest, Best Overall and Most Unique.     The cost is $5 to enter and be a judge, or you can only be a judge for $5.   We will be serving up liver and onions (with mashed potatoes) on Wednesday, November 30th from 6:00 to 7:30 pm.  $10 a plate.   The Remembrance of the Deceased Prayer Service is Monday, November 28th in the Fernandez Room.  This Memorial starts at 7:00 pm.   The Clubhouse Annual Christmas Open House is Saturday, December 3rd.  Haven’t been to the Knights lately?  Perfect time to stop by, eat some delicious food, and meet new friends and catch up with some ‘ol friends!  Open House starts at 3:00 pm.  And why not stay for some Bar Bingo at 7:30 pm?   Breakfast with SantaJoin us on Sunday, December 4 for Breakfast with Santa. Breakfast will be at 10:45am and Santa will arrive at Noon.  Please see the attached flyer for additional information.   I can’t think of much else.  I hope you have a wonderful celebration of gratitude and thanks and get some “me” time or visit with family and friends.  Take care, stay healthy!  Happy Thanksgiving!   

KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |