Happenings 08.17.23

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| | | Hello there everybody!  It’s a gorgeous day, I hope you get a chance to take a walk or maybe a bike ride!  A huge big thanks to everyone who donated blood on Monday!   The Friday night dinner special is 3 Bros. Italian Cold Cut with fries and a surprise dessert!  Please pre-order here:  https://tinyurl.com/4wz2uuhb
Saturday is going to be a fun day, the St Jerome’s softball team is going to be the guest bartenders!  And it’s bar bingo too!  Clubhouse opens at 4:00 pm. Labor Day weekend is approaching, stay tuned for fun events happening at the pool!  Grasso Bros will be playing in the Clubhouse Friday, Sept 15th.   Point 1 K is Saturday, Sept 16th50/50 pool sold out, come up to get your squares! Shuffleboard league meeting went well, substitutes are now allowed!  Interested?  Please talk with a friendly bartender anytime you’re at the Clubhouse.  We currently have 1 person looking for a partner!   Big thanks to Joe Ervin who trimmed the bushes around the Clubhouse!  Anyone wanna power wash it…..?????? That’s all I have for now, have a great day and I hope to see you soon!  

KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |
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