Happenings 07.11.23

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| | | Hello there everybody!   I hope you’re doing well and are staying cool by hittin’ the pool!   The grove is usually 10 degrees cooler too, nice spot to cook up some chicken kabobs!   A few “events” coming up, so read on!  Tonight is the fan fav Taco Tuesday!  $1.50 for each taco (beef or chicken) with a fixins bar and chips.  Kitchen opens at 6:00 pm.Also tonight is drop-in shuffleboard.  Great idea for anyone who wants to learn the game or practice on their skills.     Thursday evening is an Aquaknights fundraiser at Mama Lucia’s  Please see the attached flyer.  Mama Lucia’s will give the swim team 20% !! Speaking of the swim team – The Mini Meet is this Sunday!  The Aquaknights have been organizing this fun filled meet for over 45 years!   The Friday night dinner special is Chicken Alfredo with broccoli, side salad and surprise dessert for $15.00  Please pre-order (if possible) here:   

Saturday night is an Adult Pool Party, please see the attached flyer.  Also Bar Bingo Saturday evening starting at 7:30.  

No softball games on Sunday.  The kids have all day to play on the field!  
“Bread for our Brothers is a program in which volunteers pick up surplus bread and deliver it to those in need. In partnership with Bakery De France in Rockville, the Council has been sponsoring this ministry to the poor and disadvantaged for more than 21 years, over which time more than 400,000 pounds or 200+ tons of bread which otherwise would have gone to waste have been redirected to local charities serving the poor. The ministry is always looking to recruit additional drivers.  This ministry is an ideal service opportunity for retired knights with a car and 3 to 4 hours of daylight free time on a Tuesday or Wednesday once or twice per month.  As noted above, the ministry is also not restricted to Knights of Columbus members. Please contact Brother Dennis O’Malley at 301-328-7500 if you are interested in volunteering a few hours to help our community in need.”
Please note:  The Clubhouse will be closed on Saturday, July 22nd for the Grand Knight Installation.      The next blood drive is Monday August 14th.  
That’s all I have for now, have a great week.  Hope to see you!  
KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |
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