Happenings 06.06.24

Hello there everybody!  I hope you’re healthy and safe!  Bit of a storm in some places yesterday!!  wow!  Just a few upcoming items to chat about. Friday night is the Shuffleboard League Banquet.  Starts at 6:00 pm.  Congratulations to the 2024 winners Chris Milhorn and Billy Melgar!   The Friday night dinner special is smoked brisket and pulled pork with mac and cheese and greens with dessert for $20.  If possible, please pre-order here:  Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions
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Congratulations and THANK YOU to Carlo Yon as the June Knight of the Month and to Family of the Month, Tom and Lisa Cheslo!  THANK YOU for all you do for our Council!   A note from DGK John Foley “As everyone can see, the bar tile project looks extremely good! With that said, we still have one more section to fill. The final date to order an engraved bar tile for this section will be August 1, 2024. After this date, no new tiles may be ordered, and the final section will be prepared to be finished. Bar tiles may be ordered at the clubhouse.”  Please see the attached informational flyers.   The Aquaknights swimmers have begun their practices, I’m sure they’re going to have a fantastic season!   Please see the attached flyer for the next Mama Lucia fundraiser!   And the Children’s Summer Camp is revving up to have an awesome time!  Super exciting!!   Please see the attached flyer for the Family Trivia sponsored by the Ladies of the Knights.   We are working on the summer kickball fun adult league, I will have more details in a coupla weeks.   Have a fun weekend, hope to see you soon!   

KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com