Happenings 04.05.23

| | | | Hello everyone!  Wow, what a gorgeous week!  I hope you’re on spring break and can get outside to enjoy this day!   Just think, in a few short weeks we’ll be preparing the grounds and pool for SUMMER!!  yay!!        Opening day for the men’s softball league is Memorial Day.   Interested in joining a team?  Let someone know!  Either email back or talk to a friendly bartender!   The Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success and everyone had a hoppity good time!  Big thanks to the peeps that helped make the day so fun;  Stacy and John Foley, Grand Knight Tim and Susan Keifline, PGK Keith and Regan Hurst and family, and egg-specially the Easter Bunny!!  Thanks again!    Another big thanks goes to the Holy Redeemer Softball Team for guest bartending/cooking last Saturday!  It was a super fun night and they were tipped over $900 to pay for their softball dues, plus some!!  Any other softball team interested??  Email back or text Jimmy Lintner at 301-646-2344. The Clubhouse will be closed on Friday in observance of Good Friday.  
The shuffleboard league is winding down with playoffs starting in 2 weeks.  Championship is May 4th!  Good luck to all the shooters!   The Clubhouse will be open on Saturday, bar bingo starting at 7:30.  Bring the family!  Kitchen opens at 6:00 pm Taco Tuesday April 11th.   We wish you a wonderful Easter with your family and friends and hope it’s an egg-celent day!  Happy Easter!    
KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |
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