Happening’s 03.06.25

                Hello there everybody!  I hope it’s been a great week for you!                 The Friday night dinner special is Fresh fried fish and chips with Cole slaw and dessert for $15.  Please pre-order here, if you can :      https://tinyurl.com/yadyzwjk Bar Bingo and the Queen of Hearts continues on Saturday evening, starting at 7:30 pm.  Super fun, I hope you can make it!   The Super Duper Bingo is Saturday, March 22nd.   Sunday is the St Patrick’s Day Party!  Please see the attached flyer for info.  Need additional information?  Please call 301-345-4076.   A fun day to get your Irish on!  Fantastic food, great music and baskets to win!    We will continue the St. Patrick’s Day festivities with the Irish American Club and the Sean Fleming Band on Saturday, March 15th.     That flyer is attached too!   Taco Tuesday March 11th!   Two more months and the pool is open!  YAY     There will be grove, pool and snack bar clean-up dates through out April and May.  As soon as I receive those dates, I’ll post ’em!   Please keep Val Cole, wife of Financial Treasurer and PGK,  Joe Cole  in your prayers.  Val is having some health issues and wants all the prayers she can get!    I cannot think of much else, have a fun weekend and hope to see you!  

KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com