Happenings 02.21.23

| | | | Hello there everybody!  Hope it’s a great day!  I know it’s still February, but this weather has me thinking of outdoor activities!  Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who supported the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary on Sunday by purchasing a yummy spaghetti dinner – THANK YOU!Today is FAT TUESDAY!  The Clubhouse is celebrating by serving Smash burgers with fries, starting at 6:00 pm.  The regular menu is available too!  And of course beads, lots of beads!  We hope to see you!  Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the Sean Fleming Band!  Please see the attached flyer.  Such a fun way to start the Irish Season (I made that up ) And the celebration continues with the annual St Patrick’s Day Party on Sunday, March 12th (please see that flyer) then of course we will have our specials on the actual day, Friday, March 17th.  See?  I told you it was a season!  lol   Chances for the wagon of cheer are at the bar, get yours soon!  Cool wagon too – perfect for the kiddies and the pool!  Don’t forget the Aquaknights’ Nico Cabrera is in a production of Aesop’s Fables.  Please see that flyer too! The Friday night dinner special is Penne Ala Vodka, side salad, bread and dessert for $13,  Also available is Vodka Pizza.  If possible, please pre-order here: https://tinyurl.com/5c4btmbtDonations needed!  There is an auction at the St Patrick’s Day Party, and donations are gladly accepted!  Please see Marie Bohoroush or Re McQuade for any questions.  Thank you!  Bar Bingo Saturday – don’t forget!  That’s all I have for now, have fun and be safe. KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |