Happenings 01.26.22

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Hello there everybody!  Boy, I hope you’re staying warm!!  Brrrrr….. We would like to thank everyone that volunteered to cook and supervise the participants of the Right for Life March, who “camped out” at the Clubhouse earlier this week.  It was a fun bunch!  The Friday night dinner special is Steak Night!  With a baked potato, asparagus and a surprise dessert for $ 20.00 !!  Please pre-order here: https://tinyurl.com/3vsdjdmf
We are looking for a volunteer or two to bartend and cook at the Clubhouse, just a few days a month.  Free training! 🙂   Please ask your friendly bartender for more information. Bar Bingo on Saturday starting at 7:30, right after the Queen of Hearts.  Big thanks to Sean Moriarty who volunteers his time on Saturday evening to be the bingo call guy!   It is always something fun to look forward to at the end of the week. Lots of “happenings” going on in February!  Live music is back at the Clubhouse on Friday, February 11th starting at 7:00 pm.  Please spread the word, we’ll have a flyer next week. The Super Bowl is Sunday the 13th and only a few squares left in pool # 1.  Pool # 2 is sold out.  Better get up to the Clubhouse today if you still want one!  Opens at 4:00 pm.  We will have the menu for the party as soon as we know the two teams in the big game since we like to offer food items that are local to that area.  Maybe some Kansas City BBQ ribs??  haha, who knows!!? The first Red Cross blood drive of the year is Monday, February 14th from 1:30 – 7:00 pm.  Blood donation is essential…..every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.  It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses and traumatic injuries.  Won’t you consider donating? Please see the attached flyer for information about the Wedding Vow Renewal Mass on February 20th at 2:00 pm.   Saturday, February 26th the Clubhouse will host Guest Bartenders!  Stay tuned to find out who!   Please don’t forget about the mask policy.  Masks must be worn while entering and exiting the Clubhouse, and when not sitting.  Thank you for your understanding!   A message from our swimming pool commissioners Susan and Tim Keifline: I hope this message finds you well in 2022.  If you are like us, you are counting down the days until warmer weather is on the horizon.  While we have snow on the ground and blustery winds outside, what better way to think of warmer days ahead than by closing your eyes and envisioning yourself laying poolside, catching some sun surrounded by family and friends at the Knights of Columbus 2809 Pool.  2022 Knights of Columbus 2809 Pool Membership    is now available for purchase.  Purchase your membership before March 1, 2022 and you will pay 2021 prices.  Please reach out to us with any questions.  We look forward to seeing you opening Memorial Day weekend!   That’s all I have for now, please stay warm and check in on your neighbors!  
KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |

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