Happenings email is sent out once a week to inform everyone of the current Friday Night Dinner, events & activities going on at the Clubhouse and general up to date information. To receive the weekly Happenings email, please contact Mary at kofcclub@aol.com.
@media (max-width: 1000px) { #ydpd0f21dd1yiv4481888069ydpb3441839themeNameStarttriangleFlagsthemeNameEnd { padding-left: 10px !important;padding-right: 10px !important; }} | | | | | | | Hello there everybody! It's May - YAY! We're getting a little closer to Fun in the Sun!! Just think, in a coupla more weeks there will be burger grillin', people chillin', softball swingin', kickball kickin' (hopefully) and lots of splashin'! CAN'T WAIT! How about you? Do you have your membership? If not, please see the attached form. I know you know that it takes a village....practically for everything - but especially to get the pool / grounds and snack bar ready for all this…
@media (max-width: 1000px) { #ydpe42da664yiv5415249525ydp5a5a6706themeNameStartoaxaccanthemeNameEnd { padding-left: 10px !important;padding-right: 10px !important; }} | | | | | | | Hi there everybody! Whatcha doing tonight for dinner? The award winning Aquaknight Swim Team is having a fundraiser at the Mama Lucia's on Cherry Hill Rd. Why not check it out? Please see the attached flyer. Dinner's DONE! The shuffleboard league is whining down the season with playoffs continuing. Championship games next week! Attached please find the May SHARE flyer. Pool membership is also attached - just think - 5 more weeks - YAY! Summer camp information coming soon! Friday night is STEAK…
| | | | | | | Hello there everybody! I hope you're having a great week! It's been a bit warm, right?? It really gets you thinking about summer and the POOL!!! CAN'T WAIT! Please see the attached flyers for the pool membership and the scheduled clean up of the pool and the grounds. Big shout out to PGK Doug Amann, Laura, Joseph, Lydia, Marilu, Lucas, & Cecilia Hehman, Mary, Seth, Flannery & Robbie Smith and Tim and Susan Keifline for all their hard work and special thanks to all the kids who worked hard taking the chairs out of the…
| | | | | | | Hello there everybody! Can't complain much about this weather - ay? Lovin' it! Makes you think about summer............and the POOL! Memorial Day weekend will be here before we know it! Lots of volunteers came out last Saturday for the first pool / grounds clean - up, it was fantastic! Thank you so much everyone! Please see the attached flyer for the next planned clean-up. Also attached is the Swimming Pool membership form. $1000 was raised for the swimming pool effort thanks to all of you who attended our first Oyster and Bull Roast! It…
Hello there everybody! Hopping you had a wonderful Easter with your family and friends! Don't forget we are collecting diapers and such for Miss College Park campaign. There is a collection box in the Clubhouse until April 30th. Items needed: Diapers and pull-ups, all sizes, Formula and baby food and toddler snacks. Also needed is toiletries, toilet paper, soap, household supplies etc. Personal hygiene needed too: toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, conditioner etc. For more information please email elenarosearg@gmail.com. THANK YOU! Boy - we've have some super exciting NCAA basketball games, right?? We'll have the woman on the big screen Friday night, and…
| | | | | | | Hello there everybody! Hope you're staying dry! I thought it was "April showers........ oh well! I guess we need it. Thank you to all the families that came out last week and visited the Easter Bunny! Lots of fun! Pool season is right around the corner and we are getting so excited! Grillin' in the grove, sunnin' on the deck, and Marco Polo in the pool! Can't wait! But before we can have fun in the sun, we need to get the grounds and pool ready! We're starting with a fundraiser Bull and Oyster Roast…
Hello all! We are having a Bull and Oyster Roast to support the swimming pool! Please see the attached. Catering by Pit Boys of Annapolis. Let us know if you have any questions! KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com Bull-and-Oyster-roast-2024.pdf
| | | | | | | Hello everyone! Few events coming up , please read on! Saturday is the Children's Easter Party! Please see the attached flyer. 'Tis the season for pool clean-up!! Please see that attached flyer! And to pay for the supplies needed for the clean up, and getting the pool ready for some FUN IN THE SUN, we are having a Bull and Oyster Roast, Friday, April 5th. All proceeds go towards the pool. Please see that event flyer. If you have any questions, please email back, or call / text Mary Fran at 301-335-3106. Hope to see…
| | | | | | | Hello there everybody! Boy, great couple of days we're having! The yard is almost dried! Huge thanks to everyone who celebrated St Paddy's Day with us at the Council home on Sunday! It was super fun! Big thanks to Marie Bohorfoush, Re McQuade and Teresa Gorman for heading this annual event! Big thanks to the kitchen crew (the specials were delicious)! Dave Alessandrini, John Foley, Jim Hudson, Doug Suhr, and Joe Scafone. Thanks to Eddie for DJing and donating all the door prizes! The bartenders were very attentive (maybe too much for me...hahaha) Matt…
Hi there everybody, I hope the week is going well for you and you're staying dry! Some fun stuff coming up, let me tell you all about it! First I would like to thank Joe Scafone, Jimmy Lintner, Emily Foley and Bridget Smith for all their help decorating the Clubhouse for St. Patrick's Day-Month! It's so festive! Jimmy also hung up some old men's' softball league photos we found, come up and check them out! And let us know what year you think they were taken? It's a big guessing game right now....hahahaha Shuffleboard continues on Tuesday and Thursday night, The Men's…