Happenings 08.02.23

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| | | Hello there everybody! I hope it’s been a great week so far!  Can’t beat this weather, that’s for sure!    Here’s a few “happenings” coming up: First:  Pool is open!  Get on up here!   SHARE program flyer is attached.   The Friday night dinner special is:  Hibachi Combo  Steak and Chicken with fried rice, veggies and a surprised dessert all for $20.  If possible, please pre-order here:   https://tinyurl.com/565xhsbz
Taco Tuesday is the 8th.  Kitchen opens at 6:00 pm.  Chicken or Beef with a fixins bar and fresh made chips.  $1.50 per taco.   First Commanders pre-season game is Friday, Aug 11th at 7:30 pm.  Come on up!   The Red Cross Blood Drive is Monday, August 14th,  Donating blood is always wanted, but is critically needed at this time. The Shuffleboard league meeting is Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00 pm.  Super fun league, easy to play and a great excuse to get out of the house for an hour or two!  Please consider playing!  Have questions?  Talk with a friendly bartender or call Doug Amann at 301-440-1639. The St Jerome’s softball team are the guest bartenders Saturday, August 19th,  Come on out to say hello to the rookie team and stay for bar bingo at 7:30 pm. Grasso Brothers band playing Friday, Sept 15th in the Clubhouse.     K of C 2809 annual crab feast:  Sunday, Sept 17th  Tickets soon!  As a reminder the Clubhouse is closed Sundays and Mondays.   That’s all I have for now, I hope you have a stress-free rest of your week and I hope to see you soon!   Take care!  
KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |
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